In a report to be released Wednesday, retired Air Force Gen. Joseph Ralston and retired German Gen. Klaus Naumann condemn European leaders for a lack of determination to improve their collective military capabilities. According to the London Financial Times, which obtained a copy of the 97-page report, the two generals plan to brief European defense officials within the next two weeks and Washington in November. The conclusion of the report is that the situation is dire unless Europeans work together and provide additional defense funding—with at least 25 percent going to research and acquisition. Remaining on the present course “is not an option—indeed it is a recipe for disaster,” states the report. Ralston was Supreme Allied Commander Europe (2000-2003) and Naumann was Germany’s chief of defense and head of NATO’s military committee.
Ready Forces in Mid-East Deter Iran, Austin Says
Sept. 13, 2024
The Pentagon still believes Iran presents a threat to Israel and is determined to maintain sufficient forces in the region to deter Iranian aggression, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III said on a visit to Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., Sept. 13.