The Department of the Air Force recently rolled out two policy changes aimed at holding commanders more accountable for climate-related deficiencies and disciplinary equity within their units. The first requires commanders with low diversity and inclusion-related scores to develop a plan to remedy those shortcomings. ...
The Air Force needs to study and understand the racial disparity in the way Airmen are disciplined before courts martial, including identifying differences in how minority Airmen are mentored early on in their careers compared to white Airmen, to better create a more inclusive service, ...
The Air Force Inspector General wants to hear from a broad range of Airmen as it tries to identify racial biases in the service's justice and professional development systems. Officials will first focus on policies and processes that may have largely disadvantaged black Airmen, after ...
The Air Force needs to address the disparity in judicial punishments between white and black Airmen, and use this discussion as a catalyst for a broader conversation for how people are valued within the service, the Air Force’s top lawyer argues in a recent letter. ...