Lockheed to Host Multi-Domain Command and Control Exercise

Lockheed Martin will host a three-day, multi-domain command and control exercise at its Suffolk, Va., Center for Innovation. The event comes in response to Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein’s call to develop new forms of MDC2 that can integrate air, space, and cyber capabilities for the battlefield of the future. The Lockheed exercise will involve an experimental group demonstrating integrated C2 processes and a control group operating with traditional C2. The company plans to provide data related to the outcomes of the exercise to Brig. Gen. Chance Saltzman, who serves as director of future operations for the Air Force and was selected by Goldfein to lead the service’s MDC2 effort. “Asymmetric threats throughout the world underscore the need to stay inside our adversaries’ observe orient, decision action loop,” said Lockheed’s Rob Smith, vice president of C4ISR, according to a company release. “This exercise will look at ways to bring synergistic battlespace effects by merging the planning cycles of all three domains.”