Goldfein Assigns New Budget Director, Deputy of NATO Air Operations in Afghanistan

Brig. Gen. Michael Griener (left) has been tapped to lead USAF budget operations and personnel in the office of the assistant secretary of the Air Force for financial management and comptroller, and Col. John Walker (right) has been tapped to lead NATO air forces in Afghanistan and to get his first star. Air Force photos.

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein on June 10 assigned a new senior budget official and a new leader for NATO air forces in Afghanistan.

Brig. Gen. Michael Griener, director of Air Force Budget Programs in the office of the assistant secretary of the Air Force for financial management and comptroller, has been assigned to be director of budget operations and personnel in the same office, according to a Pentagon release.

Col. John Walker, director of the Joint Staff legislative affairs, has been selected for the rank of brigadier general and for assignment as the deputy commander of NATO Air Command-Afghanistan and vice commander of the 9th Air Expeditionary Task Force-Afghanistan, according to the release.