GAO Calls for Risk Assessment of DOD Ranges

The Government Accountability Office has recommended the Pentagon develop guidelines for the services to assess the risk of foreign commercial encroachment near its test and training ranges, according to a new report, released Dec. 16. GAO reviewed encroachment issues related to DOD’s test and training ranges across the US—a mandate of the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act—and determined the Pentagon has not conducted effective risk assessment on encroachment of foreign entities conducting business near its ranges, such as mines, energy projects, and other commercial enterprises. While some Pentagon officials told GAO they have considered conducting such assessments, there is a lack of guidance directing the services to perform these reviews. “Officials from the Navy and the Air Force stated that given the unique nature of each range, it would be difficult to assess their criticality,” the report states. GAO is recommending DOD develop and implement guidance for risk assessment on foreign encroachment, and work with other federal agencies to get needed information on transactions near DOD properties.