Goldfein Brings Commanders’ Fitness Push to Air Force Marathon
One Year Later, Air Force Looks to Network its Way to 386 Operational Squadrons
USAF Mulls Cuts to Munitions Buys as Production Hums
Here’s What the Air Force’s Chief of Staff Wants to Do in His Last Year
At his final AFA Air, Space & Cyber Conference as chief of staff, Gen. David Goldfein talks with Valerie Insinna about his plans for 2020—his last year as chief. Defense News
OPINION: A Speech for the Next SECAF to Launch a New Era of Spacepower
“The history of the speech goes back to 2015, when then chief of staff of the Air Force, Gen, Mark A. Welsh, asked Air University to supply some ‘big ideas’ for major initiatives for the Air Force and help construct a bold new Air Force narrative,” writes Peter Garretson, a former director of Air University’s Space Horizons Research Task Force who now works as a senior fellow in defense studies at the American Foreign Policy Council. War on the Rocks
Air Force Certified Falcon Heavy for National Security Launch, but More Work Needed to Meet Required Orbits
Space and Missile Systems Center Commander Lt. Gen. Thompson: "They are fully certified now. But that doesn’t mean the work on the Falcon Heavy stops.” Space News
Air Force Pumps Cash into “Vanguard” Effort, Small Industry Teams
A year-old Pratt & Whitney effort to free up a handful of its engineers to think big has already caught the eye of the Air Force, which has asked the company’s GatorWorks shop to pitch in on key research and development projects. Breaking Defense
Step Forward: Airmen Can Once Again Volunteer to be First Sergeants
The Air Force this fall is moving to a new system for hiring first sergeants in which airmen can volunteer to serve as one of the most important enlisted airmen in a unit. Until now, a move to first sergeant has been a Developmental Special Duty assignment and candidates have been nominated by their supervisors to be considered for that job. But beginning with this fall’s assignment cycle, first sergeant candidates will be chosen for their initial assignments through both a volunteer and nomination process, the Air Force Personnel Center announced in a Sept. 19 news release. Air Force Times
DOD Apologizes After Tweet Suggests US Military Would Bomb Millennials Who Tried to Raid Area 51
"The last thing #Millennials will see if they attempt the #area51 raid today," the tweet read. The accompanying image was a B-2 Spirit bomber, a highly-capable stealth aircraft built to slip past enemy defenses and devastate targets with nuclear and conventional munitions. Business Insider
DHS Wants Industry to Help Improve Pay for Cyber Personnel
By rolling out a “market-sensitive” pay structure and supporting more flexible career paths, the department hopes to make its cybersecurity jobs more appealing. Nextgov
Pompeo to Meet with Russia’s Top Diplomat Lavrov at UN
The two envoys last met in mid-May in Sochi, Russia. Since then, Washington, D.C, and Moscow abandoned their 1987 Intermediate Nuclear Forces treaty, which limited the use of nuclear and conventional medium-range weapons. Agence France-Presse via Yahoo! News
UK, France, Germany Blame Iran for Saudi Oil Attacks
Britain, France, and Germany joined the United States on Sept. 24 in blaming Iran for attacks on key oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, but the Iranian foreign minister pointed to claims of responsibility by Yemeni rebels and said: “If Iran were behind this attack, nothing would have been left of this refinery.” Associated Press
Habitat for Humanity Is Helping Combat Veteran Homelessness—but Community Concerns Often Get in the Way
The community, named the Lee A. Crossley Veterans Community after a local Army veteran, includes 26 newly built homes on a cul-de-sac called Honor Lane. All the homes are designated for veterans and offer an ownership opportunity as one means to help address veteran homelessness, said Ken Cates, director of the area Habitat for Humanity, an international nonprofit that offers home ownership. Stars and Stripes via
One More Thing
NASA Awards Lockheed Martin Contract for Six Orion Spacecraft
NASA and Lockheed Martin have finalized a contract for the production and operations of six Orion spacecraft missions and the ability to order up to 12 in total. Orion is NASA’s deep space exploration spaceship that will carry astronauts from Earth to the Moon and bring them safely home. Lockheed Martin has been the prime contractor during the development phase of the Orion program. Lockheed Martin release