ISIS Leader Reportedly Killed, Again

ISIS on Thursday said a coalition airstrike on July 10 killed a leader the Pentagon had said was killed in a March strike. The leader, so called “minister of war” Abu Umar al-Shishani, was first reportedly killed in a March...

Kerry Visits Russia to Talk ISIS Fight

Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday visited Moscow to discuss closer cooperation between the US and Russia in the fight against ISIS. Kerry is reportedly meeting with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to...

US Must Be Prepared to Fight War in Space

With Russia’s and China’s demonstrated abilities to attack space assets, “the US dominance in space is over,” and the nation “must be prepared to fight a limited war in space and do it better than its adversaries,” strategic scholar Elbridge...

From Assurance to Deterrence

The requested quadrupling of European Reassurance Initiative funding will allow the US presence to change its role from assurance to deterrence, USAF Maj. Gen. David Allvin, the director of strategy and policy for US European Command, told lawmakers Wednesday. “The...

Not Bragging

USAF C-17s and C-130s and their crews are teaming up with soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division to practice large-formation airdrops this week as part of Battalion Mass Tactical Week at Fort Bragg, N.C. Three C-17s and three C-130s along...

Humanitarian Goals

More than 25 airmen from the 107th Civil Engineer Squadron at Niagara Falls ARS, N.Y., recently returned from a two-week deployment to Vau Dejes, Albania, where they helped renovate a medical clinic and school from June 18 to July 2,...

SOUTHCOM Boss Opposes Goldwater-Nichols Changes

The commander of the US Southern Command questioned the value of some of Congress’ proposed changes to the Goldwater-Nichols defense reform law, particularly the proposal that would merge his command with US Northern Command and create joint task forces instead...

SOUTHCOM’s Transregional Challenges

In shaping its strategic framework for Latin America and the Caribbean, US Southern Command must understand that “there is no longer any such thing as a regional challenge,” its commander, Adm. Kurt Tidd, said. Whether it is dealing with the...