Chain Lightning

Lockheed Martin received $625 million on Nov. 3 toward an undefinitized contract for Lot 9 of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Pentagon announced. The funding will keep Lockheed and its suppliers funded as negotiations on Lot 9 and 10...

Expanded Powder River Complex Opens for Training

The Air Force recently opened the expanded Powder River Training Complex to military flight operations and plans to host its first large-scale training exercise there early next month, officials announced. Powder River is now the largest training airspace in the...

RPA Crashes in Afghanistan

A remotely piloted aircraft crashed Wednesday in Afghanistan while on a surveillance mission, US Forces Afghanistan said. The aircraft crashed at 4:45 p.m. local time in the mountains of the Mosahi District in Kabul province, Army Col. Michael Lawhorn, US...

Additional AESAs for Eagles, Strike Eagles

The Air Force awarded Boeing a $282 million combined radar upgrade contract for both F-15C/Ds and F-15Es, the Pentagon announced on Oct. 30. Both fleets are undergoing upgrade with Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar under two different programs. The...

Russian Air Activity in Syria Increasing

Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren told reporters on Wednesday there has been an increase in Russian air activity this week, particularly in Aleppo, Syria. Russian forces are supporting Bashar al Assad’s forces, which have had “mixed success”...

Reassure and Deter

The US should continue reassuring eastern European allies, but we must do better, the former deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia said Wednesday. “We actually have to deter,” Evelyn Farkas told journalists at a Defense Writers Group breakfast in...

Russian Actions in Syria “Short-Sighted”

Russia’s goals in Syria are to keep Bashar al Assad in power and to demonstrate Russia is a global power, the former deputy assistant defense secretary for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia told reporters Wednesday. It’s important for Russia to prevent regime change in...

Transitioning Away From Russian-Made RD-180

The Space and Missile Systems Center awarded the first contract under its Booster Propulsion Technology Maturation Broad Agency Announcement solicitation—the first step in the Air Force’s transition away from the Russian-made RD-180 engine used on the Atlas V rocket. Johns...

ORS-4 Fails Mid-Flight

The fourth mission from the Air Force’s Operationally Responsive Space Office, which launched aboard an experimental three-stage Super Strypi rocket, failed shortly after takeoff from the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Hawaii Tuesday, according to a brief Air Force statement....

Carter Presses China on South China Sea

Defense Secretary Ash Carter, during a visit through southeast Asia, voiced concerns about cyber threats from China and called on that country to halt all reclamation and militarization of the South China Sea. Carter on Nov. 3 met with Gen....