First Female Bomb Wing Commander

Col. Kristin Goodwin took command of the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale AFB, La., on Aug. 1 becoming the first woman to command an Air Force bomber wing, according to an Air Force Global Strike Command release. Goodwin is a...

Welsh Accepts Airman’s Challenge

After having been inspired by A1C Devin Nothstine, an airman from Mountain Home AFB, Idaho, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh challenged airmen in his latest Airman-to-Airman video message to be the best they can be in every...

C-130Js Train to Avoid a Fighter’s Intercept

In an unusual air training mission, two 317th Airlift Group C-130Js successfully conducted evasive maneuvers against an F-16 Fighting Falcon, practicing tactics they may need during the upcoming Red Flag-Alaska exercise. The two Super Hercules relied on tight aircrew coordination...

PACAF Goes Pitch Black

US Air Force assets arrived at several locations in Australia to take part in Exercise Pitch Black 2014, a multinational air exercise involving the air forces of several allies. Pitch Black is the Royal Australian Air Force’s largest air exercise,...

Breedlove Visits Turkey Air Defense Battery

NATO Supreme Allied Commander Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove paid a visit to US troops deployed to Gaziantep, Turkey, last week, where a NATO-led PATRIOT missile unit is supporting Turkish air defense activity against Syrian aerial incursions. Breedlove toured and...

Seventh GPS Block IIF Satellite Launched

A Global Positioning System Block IIF satellite successfully launched aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla., just before midnight on Aug. 1. The 45th Space Wing supported the launch, which was the seventh in...

Wyoming Air Guard Helps Battle Forest Fires

Two Modular Airborne Fire Fighting Systems-equipped C-130s from the Wyoming Air National Guard’s 153rd Airlift Wing are helping to fight forest fires Idaho and Montana at the request of the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho, according to an...