Afghans Vote in Historic Election

American leaders praised the millions of Afghans who voted for a new President Saturday. “The open and responsible debate among the candidates over the past two months, and the turnout for these elections, demonstrates to the world that the Afghan...

Victory Through Vectory

The Air Force on Friday released its new “RPA Vector”—its roadmap for remotely piloted aircraft concept of operations and enabling technologies through 2038—which forecasts using pilotless aircraft for many more missions than it does now. Beyond intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance,...

Gorgon Stare, Sentinel, and MQ-X

Gorgon Stare, a wide-area surveillance system carried experimentally by MQ-9 Reaper remotely piloted aircraft in Afghanistan, isn’t necessarily going to make a big reduction possible in the number of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance RPAs, said Col. Brandon Baker during a...

Keeping LRS-B in the Dark

The Air Force’s top acquisition official defended the secrecy surrounding the Long-Range Strike Bomber during a recent House Armed Services Committee’s seapower and power projection forces panel. Responding to a query from Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) on both the classification...

LRASM and Power Projection

Command and control, sensors, and key weapons are part of the Air Force’s plan to improve its power projection forces in the near term, Air Force leaders told a House Armed Services Committee panel recently. Maj. Gen. James Jones, testifying...

Sequester Projections

The US will be left “less ready and less viable in meeting national defense requirements both now and in the future” if sequester fully returns in Fiscal 2016, Maj. Gen. James Jones said during a House Armed Services Committee’s seapower...

Marketing Pegasus

The Air Force is working hard to ensure interoperability of the KC-46 tanker, as well as other fleets of aircraft, with allies around the world, Maj. Gen. John Thompson, USAF’s program executive officer for tankers, told House legislators last week....

Harnessing Creativity

The Air Force launched a new program last week aimed at “harnessing” airmen’s creativity. The program, dubbed “Airmen Powered by Innovation,” will replace three existing similar programs. They include, the Innovation Development through Employee Awareness, Productivity Enhancing Capital Investment, and...