Nothing to Dial Down

Air Force Space Command will really be behind the eight ball if the budget sequester continues without major adjustment, said AFSPC Commander Gen. William Shelton. During an Oct. 25 interview, Shelton said he can’t “adjust the rheostat” of his spending...

Force of Gravity

Gen. William Shelton, head of Air Force Space Command, is a fan of the movie Gravity. In it, a cloud of shrapnel resulting from a Russian anti-satellite test races around the planet at thousands of miles an hour, wrecking a...

Stall Caused Fatal MC-12W Crash

Accident investigators determined that insufficient airspeed led to a stall that caused the crash of an MC-12 aircraft 110 miles northeast of Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, on April 27, announced Air Combat Command officials. The crash took the lives of the...

Boeing, Lockheed Martin Re-Marry for Future Bomber

Renewing a business relationship dormant for nearly five years, Boeing and Lockheed Martin announced they’ll compete as a team to build the Air Force’s Long Range Strike Bomber, with Boeing as the prime contractor and Lockheed Martin as the primary...

Together Again: Why Now?

Boeing and Lockheed Martin’s newly announced teaming arrangement to compete to build the Air Force’s Long Range Strike Bomber began with talks about a year ago, according to a Boeing spokesman. The two companies compared their approaches to the project...

Pentagon Bolsters Protection of Unclassified Technical Data

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel directed his deputies for acquisition, intelligence, and policy to work with the Pentagon’s chief information officer to bolster the protection of unclassified data from cyber intrusion. Hagel told them to modify policy, guidance, and rulemaking, as...

Air Force Changes Appeals Process for Fitness Test

The Air Force’s newly updated fitness regulations now allow airmen who failed their fitness test to appeal directly to their wing commander rather than going through the Air Force Board for Corrections of Military Records. The move means the wait...

Canada Honors Virginia Airmen for World War II Sacrifices

The Royal Canadian Air Force dedicated a memorial in Richmond, Va., to 16 Virginians who lost their lives flying for Canada in World War II, reported the Toronto Star. The new monument, unveiled on Oct. 22, features the Virginia state...