Sequestration Won’t Affect RPA Flight Hours

Flight hours for the Air Force’s remotely piloted aircraft will be protected if sequestration kicks in next month, service officials told the Daily Report on Feb. 14. Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh told House and Senate defense overseers this...

Still Waiting on New Defense Secretary

Senate Republicans on Thursday thwarted an attempt by Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to push through a confirmation vote on the nomination of former Sen. Chuck Hagel to be the next Defense Secretary, succeeding Leon Panetta. Reid and...

Leaping out of the 1980s

Replacing 286 computer processors and a host of other 1980s-vintage analog technologies is at the core of the comprehensive B-2 bomber upgrade program, said Dave Mazur, Northrop Grumman’s B-2 program manager, on Thursday. “We’re really building a new B-2 from...

Streamlining B-2 Renewal

Programmed depot maintenance of the B-2 stealth bomber will become more efficient under a new schedule that Northrop Grumman has developed, said the company’s B-2 program manager, Dave Mazur, on Thursday. Speaking to reporters in Washington, D.C., Mazur said the...

F-35As Coming to Nellis for Operational Testing

Four F-35A strike fighters are scheduled to arrive at Nellis AFB, Nev., at the end of the month to begin the type’s first operational tests, announced base officials. “Nowhere else in the [Defense Department’s] F-35 program . . . is...

Protecting Pilots

National Guard Bureau Chief Army Gen. Frank Grass said sequestration and budget uncertainty is the greatest threat facing the Guard today. Speaking during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Feb. 13, Grass said he is particularly worried about pilots...

CYBERCOM Boss Urges Congress to Act

President Obama’s new executive order tackles the most difficult aspect of the cybersecurity problem: how to harden networks in both government and industry when networks are in “various states of array,” said Army Gen. Keith Alexander, US Cyber Command boss...

Eighth Air Force HQ Personnel Back at Barksdale

Eighth Air Force headquarters operations moved back to Barksdale AFB, La., into a temporary facility pending the completion of renovations and upgrades to its permanent HQ on the base, announced Barksdale officials. “With us moving back to base, we can...

Expeditionary A-10 Unit Racks Up 10,000 Combat Flight Hours

A-10s deployed from Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz., to Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, have amassed 10,000 combat flight hours since arriving in theater last fall, according to a Bagram release. These A-10s, operating as the 354th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, reached the milestone during...