EADS Briefed on Tanker Decision

EADS North America announced Monday that the Air Force has debriefed it on the service’s KC-X tanker decision. Armed with this new knowledge, it now rests with the company to decide whether to appeal the Air Force’s tanker contract award...

Green Power

The Environmental Protection Agency recognized the Air Force in its top 25 list of 2010 green power partners. USAF purchased or produced a total of 243.9 million kilowatt-hours of green power last year, according to the list, which came out...

Honoring Peninsular Commitments

Exercise Key Resolve began Monday in South Korea, bringing together more than 2,300 US military personnel and nearly 10,000 South Korean troops. The 10-day drill features realistic scenarios to test their combined ability to respond to a crisis on the...

Graduating Iraqi Defenders

The first group of Iraqi security forces airmen last month graduated from a two-week training course at Ali Air Base, Iraq, taught by US advisors of the Iraq Training and Advisory Mission-Air. “Today was historic for the Iraqi air force....

First Female Osprey Pilot

Air Force Academy graduate 1st Lt. Candice Killian is USAF’s first qualified female CV-22 pilot. “I didn’t find out I was the first female pilot until they chose me” for pilot training, explained Killian. She added, “It’s an honor that...

Bronze Star for Moody Airman

CMSgt. J. C. Gideon, chief enlisted manager for the 23rd Equipment Maintenance Squadron at Moody AFB, Ga., has received the Bronze Star Medal for his meritorious service during a year-long deployment to Southwest Asia. During his time overseas from July...

New F-35 Chief Test Pilot

Lockheed Martin has named Al Norman as its new chief test pilot for the F-35 strike fighter program. Norman, a veteran experimental test pilot for the company, replaces Jon Beesley, who retired Jan. 31. “I feel very honored and privileged...

Last World War I Veteran Dies

Frank Woodruff Buckles, the last known surviving American World War I veteran, has died. Buckles died, reportedly of natural causes, on Feb. 27 at his home in Charles Town, W.V., at age 110. “We have lost a living link to...

Korean War Paintings at Air Force Museum

An art exhibit featuring more than 30 paintings depicting the Korean War and the continuing US military presence in South Korea has opened at the National Museum of the US Air Force on the grounds of Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Visitors...