Senate Defense Authorizers Back More Raptors

In marking up its version of the 2010 defense policy bill Thursday, the Senate Armed Services Committee added funding for seven more F-22 Raptors. Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), a leading F-22 proponent, said in a June 25 statement: “I am...

Manas Boot Lifted

The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan on Thursday ratified a new agreement that will enable US and coalition forces to continue using Manas Air Base, which is a central mobility hub for operations in Afghanistan, despite an earlier decision to oust the...

Osprey Again in the Cross Hairs

The Marine Corps was in the hot seat during a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing this week that clearly took aim at the V-22 Osprey (USMC operates the MV-22 and USAF the CV-22). Committee chairman Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.)...

AFSOC Deploys Ospreys to Honduras

Some of Air Force Special Operations Command’s new CV-22 Ospreys were conducting operations in Honduras recently and while there applied their unique capabilities to further a humanitarian mission. Airmen of the 8th Special Operations Squadron, based at Hurlburt Field, Fla.,...

Fraser Takes Reins at SOUTHCOM

Air Force Gen. Douglas Fraser took charge of US Southern Command Thursday during a change of command ceremony, just before which Defense Secretary Robert Gates awarded Fraser his fourth star. Fraser, who last served as deputy commander at US Pacific...

The BACN Surge

The Electronic Systems Center at Hanscom AFB, Mass., has awarded a $276 million contract to Northrop Grumman to incorporate the battlefield airborne communications node (BACN) on two business jets and two Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles to fill a joint...

Airpower Offers Hybrid Warfare Advantages

In the matter of hybrid warfare—the term of choice covering employment of both sophisticated and low-end weaponry by either state or non-state actors—tactics, weapons, and composition of enemy forces will become more opaque and convoluted and elements of airpower will...

Murtha’s Hit Parade

The list of threats against which the US must plan its strategy and weapon buys are, in order, a destabilized Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, and China. So said Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), chair of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee Wednesday....

Rising Sun Raptors

John Murtha (D-Pa.) Wednesday said the idea of letting Japan buy the F-22 is attractive, because “if you want to prevent [a war], you have to have the equipment in place so that somebody doesn’t miscalculate.” The chairman of the...

Inhofe Joins Academy Board

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) now has an at-large seat on the US Air Force Academy Board of Visitors. In a June 24 statement, Inhofe said, “I am honored by this appointment. … The Air Force Academy produces quality men and...

Air Sorties from SWA

Air Sorties in War on Terrorism, Southwest AsiaJune 23, 2009 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total YTD ISR 28 20 48 7,110 CAS/Armed Recon 23 81 104 16,821 Airlift 140 140 23,731 Air refueling 52 52 7,855 Total 344 55,517...