Protest in the Wind?:

After a multi-hour debriefing from the Air Force Friday, Boeing appears to be inching closer to filing a legal protest with the Government Accountability Office over how USAF evaluated the company’s KC-767 in the multi-billion-dollar KC-X tanker contest that rival...


The Air Force isn’t ready to say that budgetary and planning changes in the Transformational Satellite Communications program will necessarily push the launch of the first TSAT satellite out from 2016 to 2018, a senior service space official said March...

Blasting Into New Territory:

Just as operating an increasingly older aircraft inventory is forcing the Air Force into uncharted areas of maintenance, so too, is the service’s missile community facing similar challenges as it mulls how long beyond 2020 it can retain the Minuteman...

Faster, Please:

Air Force CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft are being delivered at “too slow a rate,” Adm. Eric Olson, commander of US Special Operations Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee March 4. “There are opportunities in the production line to accelerate...

Top Need:

Modernizing the sensor systems that monitor the national airspace remains the No. 1 unfunded requirement of US Northern Command, Gen. Victor Renuart, who heads the command as well as NORAD, told the Senate Armed Services Committee March 6. Because of...

Getting a Jumpstart:

The Air Force-led Operationally Responsive Space Office at Kirtland AFB, N.M., announced March 3 that it intends to conduct a special mission in June to launch experimental payloads and, in the process, test out new processes and procedures for quickly placing satellites in orbit to support combatant commanders. The Jumpstart mission will take place at Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands using a SpaceX Falcon 1 small-sized launch vehicle. The rocket will carry three payloads: a third-generation plug-‘n’-play satellite bus; a second modular spacecraft bus; and two autonomous co-flying nanosatellites. Among DOD’s additional ORS activities are the development and launch of a series of Tactical Satellites, Gary Payton, deputy under secretary of the Air Force for Space Programs, told the Senate Armed Service strategic forces subcommittee March 4. “We currently have four TacSats that we have defined; one has been launched, the other three are in different stages of preparation for launch,” he said. He said TacSat-5, one of these four, will employ a plug-‘n’-play spacecraft. It will be a demonstration where “we can plug together the spacecraft” similar to the manner in which laptop computers are readily assembled today based on the order of a customer, he said. Efforts are also underway to increase the Air Force’s capacity to prepare more than one Minotaur launch vehicle, envisioned for ORS missions, at a time. “We need to be in the business of processing a Minotaur up in Kodiak, Alaska, for a launch, and, at the same time, one out of Wallops Island here in Virginia,” Payton said.

Blip on the Screen:

The Department of Defense and Intelligence Community are preparing to submit to Congress a revised acquisition strategy for the Space Radar program, Scott Large, director of the National Reconnaissance Office, said March 5. “We believe we have a solution set,”...

Sliding Right on F-22 Hangars, Guam ISR:

The Air Force decision to slash 32 percent from its military construction funding in the Fiscal 2009 budget request has led to a “very puzzling disconnect,” says Rep. Solomon Ortiz (D-Tex.). He cited the service’s request for additional F-22s, C-17s,...

Getting MRAPs to the Fight:

The Air Force says it recently delivered the 2,000th mine-resistant ambush protected vehicle, or MRAP, to the US Central Command area of responsibility. “The men and women of Charleston (AFB) have stepped up to this challenge and are delivering MRAPs...

Combustible Material:

Deployed systems consume about three-quarters of DOD’s total energy needs, yet there are few policies, procedures, or reporting requirements at these levels and no one in charge of monitoring them, finds a new study by the Defense Science Board on...

Air Sorties in War on Terrorism, Southwest Asia

March 6, 2008 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total YTD ISR 23 9 32 1,710 CAS/Armed Recon 67 42 109 5,307 Airlift 118 118 7,842 Air refueling 49 49 2,489 Total 308 17,348 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance...