Intercept Photos Confirmed, at Last

The Pentagon has finally confirmed that photos circulating on the Web of the F-22 intercept of Russian Bear bombers last fall are indeed photos of the event. NORAD launched two F-22A Raptors from Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, on Nov. 22, 2007, to identify and monitor the two bombers flying off the coast of Alaska. It would be almost a month later before the Alaskan NORAD Region even confirmed the scramble, a first for the new Raptor unit at Elmendorf. The photos were taken by the F-22 pilots, confirmed a DOD spokesman last week in response to query. They have not been officially released, which makes one wonder: Why would DOD approve release of photos (here’s one) of Navy fighters on Feb. 9 intercepting a Russian Bear over a carrier

And More Intercept Photos:

The Pentagon just released to us two photos from the Nov. 22, 2007, intercept of two Russian Tu-95 Bear-H bombers by two F-22A Raptors from Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. These are from different angles than the two we posted above, which have made the rounds of various Web sites. Alaskan NORAD Region scrambled the two F-22s to monitor the flights of the Bears off the coast of Alaska. It was the first operational use of Elmendorf’s fledgling Raptor unit. The photos were taken by the F-22 pilots, as confirmed last week by a DOD spokesman in response to query.

Alaska’s Mixed Raptor Team Boffo

In a first deployment for the F-22 Raptor team at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, a team of 132 active and Air Force Reserve Command airmen worked together during a two-week Combat Archer live-fire exercise at Tyndall AFB, Fla., checking off a "successful" enterprise that puts the Alaska team "one step closer to initial operational capability," said Maj. David Piffarerio, exercise project officer. Piffarerio, who is a pilot with AFRC's 302nd Fighter Squadron activated just last fall, noted that 14 out of 16 missiles fired during the exercise met weapons system evaluation program "hit criteria and passed with the lethal radius or hit the [target] drone." Capt. Megan Rogers, deployed maintenance commander from the active 3rd Wing, said, "I have to look at the patches to tell who is from the [Reserve] 477th Fighter Group and who is from the 3rd Wing." With the 477th FG serving in a classic associate role, sharing operations and maintenance duties on the Raptors, the captain said, the Reservists "will bring experience to our mission … [and] provide continuity." (Elmendorf report by Capt. Torri White)

Time for Rethink

The Air Force has no doubt that the Minuteman III ICBM fleet will remain viable out to 2020, Gen. Robert Kehler, commander of Air Force Space Command, said last week. But extending the life of the nation’s long-range, nuclear-tipped ballistic...

Adieu to a Vigilant Friend

After having far exceeded its original design life, the Air Force expects to retire the Space Based Visible sensor later this year, USAF’s top space general said last week. “Our plan is that this year we will stop using it...

Covering the Field

A new security helicopter is critical for Air Force Space Command to be able to protect the nation’s ICBM complexes in the post 9/11 world, Gen. Robert Kehler, who heads the command, said last week. “We need a new helicopter...

“Meant to be 30 Years Ago”

That’s the view of Air National Guard Lt. Col. Donald Henry of the “new” A-10C, which he helped bring to fruition as Air Combat Command’s ANG A-10 program element monitor and which he flew in combat in Afghanistan. “The A-10C...

Hard Working Airlifters:

Hardworking Airlifters: C-130 transports supporting operations in Afghanistan and Iraq are still pushing a very hard operations tempo, the Air Force’s senior mobility general said last week. Gen. Arthur Lichte, commander of Air Mobility Command, told reporters Feb. 22 during...

A Thousand Hours in Combat:

F-16 pilot Lt. Col. Andy Uribe has flown at least 1,000 hours in combat, hitting that number—the most for any current USAF fighter pilot—on Feb. 16 in a mission over Iraq. Uribe, who is deployed from Tyndall AFB, Fla., as...

It’s a Hit:

The Pentagon announced Monday that it is “confident” that the Standard Missile-3 fired Feb. 20 from the USS Lake Erie did indeed destroy the hydrazine tank, the main object of the Feb. 20 shot to impact a decaying intelligence satellite....

Former Test Pilot Dies:

Retired Brig. Gen. Gustav E. Lundquist, who served as a test pilot before and after World War II and ended his Air Force career in 1969 as commander of Arnold Engineering Development Center, died Feb. 5 in San Antonio. He...

Air Sorties in War on Terrorism, Southwest Asia

Feb. 22-23, 2008 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total YTD ISR 36 14 50 1,378 CAS/Armed Recon 108 80 188 4,198 Airlift 296 296 6,265 Air refueling 84 84 1,994 Total 618 13,835 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance...