Now All We Need Is The Aircraft

The Air Force intends to designate its next aerial refueling aircraft the KC-45, regardless of whether Boeing’s KC-767 or Northrop Grumman’s KC-30 wins the KC-X tanker replacement contest. USAF has confirmed this to the Daily Report. The Air Force approved...

It’s a Done Deal

Sen. Pat Roberts and Rep. Todd Tiahrt, both Republicans from Kansas, say they “were able to secure a commitment” from Gen. Michael Moseley, Chief of Staff, to base KC-X tanker aircraft at McConnell Air Force Base. The base is home...

Trying to Blend In

The Air Force has begun ground testing CFM International’s CFM56 engine burning the synthetic jet fuel known as Fischer Tropsch Kerosene that it wants its entire fleet capable of using by early next decade to reduce dependence on foreign oil....

Gearing Up For a Growling Start

Twenty-eight Air Force and Marine Corps aircraft from bases in the Pacific and about 700 personnel from the two services are preparing to participate in Exercise Cope Tiger 2008 in Thailand. The annual field training exercise kicks off on Jan....

Tactically Speaking

The Air Force anticipates the launch of TacSat-3, the next in a series of tiny experimental satellites being procured by the Pentagon, in June. Government Executive reports that mini spacecraft will carry a hyperspectral imager, a sensor capable of identifying...

Widening the Nest

Total Force integration took another step forward earlier this month in Alaska where Air Force Reserve Command maintainers began training their Air National Guard counterparts in the care and handling of the F-22s at Elmendorf Air Force Base. On Jan....

Making the Pitch:

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Clark Griffith thinks Keesler AFB, Miss., would be a great choice to host the new Air Force Cyber Command. Griffith, who left the Air Force in 1998, is promoting the base and made his pitch...

“New” Defense Policy Bill Passes:

Both the House and Senate have now passed a slightly revised 2008 defense authorization bill and sent it off to the White House Jan. 22. The measure originally went to President Bush in mid-December, but he kicked it back because...

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

Jan. 22, 2008 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 23 9 32 CAS/Armed Recon 61 41 102 Airlift 145 145 Air refueling 42 42 Total 84 50 187 321 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance Airlift includes Horn...