Two Air Force Joint Terminal Attack Controllers, who normally work directly with soldiers in the field to call in close air support airstrikes, recently plied their trade at brigade level where they “orchestrated the destruction of an explosives-laden roadway,” reports...
The Air Force Office of Special Investigation is working with German officials to investigate potential corruption involved with the new Kaiserlautern Military Community Center, which was the focus of a House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform recently, and other...
The Warner Robins Air Logistics Center at Robins AFB, Ga., has managed to forestall any civilian reductions in force for this fiscal year, reports Gene Rector of the Macon Telegraph. Robert Williams, the base’s deputy director of civilian personnel, says...
Adm. Eric Olson became the first Navy SEAL to wear four stars and to take command of US Special Operations Command in a ceremony Monday at the command’s headquarters in Tampa, Fla. Olson, who had served as SOCOM deputy commander,...
The directive prohibiting service members from using government computers to access such Web offerings as MySpace and YouTube may not be the end all for military association with these types of sites. For one thing, as we reported earlier, the...
Air Force Special Agent Travis Guthmiller has received an Army Commendation Medal with a “V” device for Valor for his actions following an attack on a weapons-intelligence convoy in southern Baghdad. After the rear vehicle in the convoy struck an...
The Air Force has named Raytheon to pursue the next generation for the Distributed Common Ground System Integration Backbone. In a release, Raytheon notes that it first developed DIB under the DGCS Block 10.2 contract, delivering “more than 110 units...
The Air National Guard push in the northeast to lower the level at which fighters can fly over western Maine and northeastern New Hampshire is continuing with another public meeting slated for Wednesday at the University of Maine. The Massachusetts...
July 5-6, 2007 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 32 20 52 CAS/Armed Recon 144 73 217 Airlift 314 314 Air refueling 108 108 Total 176 93 422 691 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance Airlift includes Horn...