The Air Force Base That Was

Work has begun to revamp Pope Air Force Base in North Carolina into a predominantly Army facility with a small Air Force presence, following BRAC 2005 actions. The brunt of the effort falls to Air Force Reserve Command, which must...

New NATO Force Shows Off

The US Air Force is in the thick of NATO’s first major exercise for its new NATO Response Force. Steadfast Jaguar, which kicked off last week and runs through today, comprises more than 7,000 airmen, sailors, and soldiers. More than...

Kenney HQ Works Out “Frictions”

Valiant Shield is done and the airmen at Kenney Headquarters in Hawaii believe the air operations portion went well. They orchestrated some 2,000 sorties from Kenney’ Pacific Air Operations Center for one of the largest joint exercises in the Western...

House OKs Raptor Foreign Sales

Rep. Kay Granger (R-Tex.) won approval for her “lift the ban on F-22 export sales” amendment to the House version of the Fiscal 2007 defense appropriations bill. The amendment, which would delete the section that “prohibits funds in the bill...

Airmen Prep Iraqis for Transition

Four airmen assigned to the Camp Al Rustamiyah forward operating base outside Baghdad are taking point on an important mission—helping to train, advise, and mentor Iraqi forces as they prepare to take over installations across the country from coalition forces,...

The Missile Defense We Deserve

Heritage Foundation analyst Baker Spring is out with a new memo, analyzing the threat posed by a potential missile launch from North Korea—and the potential response. Spring insists the threat underscores the importance of a comprehensive national missile defense system,...

German and US Airmen Train at Mountain Home:

German and US Airmen Train at Mountain Home: More than 300 German and USAF air and ground crews are working together at Mountain Home AFB, Idaho, through Friday in the final stage of training for weapons instructors with the German...

ANG Tankers Join Wildfire Fight

The North Carolina Air National Guard have sent two C-130s equipped for wildfire duty to Arizona to aid with firefighting operations across the Southwest, reports the Associated Press news service. The National Interagency Fire Center requested the help to back...

One for Colorado and Five Left Over

One for Colorado and Five Left Over: The Senate version of the 2007 defense authorization bill contains an amendment sponsored by Sen. Wayne Allard (R-Colo.) that would create at least six regional military family assistance sites—one of which DOD recommends...

The Price Tag Goes Way Up

The Price Tag Goes Way Up: According to CongressDaily, the Bush Administration plans to request $160 million to help Veterans Affairs pay for the free credit monitoring and other actions related to the May 3 data theft. Some of the...

Israel Promises Big JSF Buy

Israel Promises Big JSF Buy: The Israel Air Force plans to replace its F-16s with more than 100 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, the service’s chief procurement officer tells Israeli business journal Globes. Brig. Gen. Zeev Snir said Israel would be...

Pew on the “Great Divide”

Pew on the “Great Divide”: The Pew Global Attitudes Project has just released a new survey on how Westerners and Muslims view each other—taking opinions in 13 nations to gather the information. A rare point of agreement between the two...

USAF’s Top SERE NonCom is Kadena Shogun:

Among the select airmen who specialize in training other airmen what to do should an enemy capture them is SSgt. Edmund Dawejko, who has been named the top Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) noncommissioned officer of 2006. Dawejko is...

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

June 26, 2006 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 13 5 18 CAS/Armed Recon 56 26 82 Airlift 150 150 Air refueling 43 43 Total 69 31 193 293 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance