Air Force officials are warning local governments around Eglin AFB, Fla., that the movement of aircraft, jobs, and projects to Florida’s Panhandle will bring more noise, flights, and traffic. The Air Force has chosen Eglin, at 724 square miles one...
Put Defense First, Hunter Says: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) has said it before, and he’s saying it again: The Pentagon must build a defense to meet the actual threats, and not shape the nation’s force to fit within a pre-determined...
Hunter is joined by Rep. Ike Skelton (D-Mo.), the committee’s ranking minority member, in urging that Congress shine more light on how the Pentagon arrives at its conclusions in its Quadrennial Defense Reviews. The latest such QDR is in its...
Harvard University has reversed its policy of barring on-campus access for military recruiters. The university had barred such recruiters from using office space in its law school in protest of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, aimed at banning openly...
Two Russian GLONASS operators last week descended upon Schriever AFB, Colo., meeting with GPS operators of the 2nd Space Operations Squadron. They were part of a group that included representatives from Europe and Japan, who were at the base to...
US Air Forces in Europe on Oct. 1 plans to open the first Joint and Combined Air Dominance Center of Excellence in the world at RAF Lakenheath, UK. According to the center’s commander, Lt. Col. David Slade, the center will...
USAF Joint Terminal Attack Controllers assisting with recovery operations after Hurricane Katrina had the latest in battlefield technology, enabling them to view real-time video from specially equipped aircraft. Air Combat Command deployed 10 Remote Operations Video Enhanced Receiver—or ROVER—units to...
The Air Force has distributed nearly $90 million in repair funds for the Katrina-ravaged infrastructure of Keesler AFB, Miss., near Biloxi, the service said Sept. 22. Estimates of damage at the base put the total damage bill near $1 billion....
The full Senate on Sept. 22 OK’d $6.1 billion for military construction in Fiscal 2006 and nearly $71 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs. The appropriations vote was unanimous. Now, if the Senate would just look at the 2006...
Jitters over technical problems and huge cost overruns led National Intelligence Director John Negroponte to change horses on the classified Future Imagery Architecture satellite system, moving the National Reconnaissance Office program from Boeing to Lockheed Martin. According to Reuters news...
Latest Version of GPS Launches: The Air Force launched the first modernized Global Positioning System satellite built by Lockheed Martin aboard a Delta II rocket from Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla., at 11:37 pm Sunday night. The satellite, a GPS IIR-M,...
According to Orbital Sciences, its Minotaur I launch vehicle successfully boosted a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency research satellite into orbit Sept. 22 from Vandenberg AFB, Calif. The technology demonstrator satellite was dubbed “streak” for the light show DARPA scientists...
Eliminating Murderer’s Row: Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) is out to close the loophole that permitted the recent burial at Arlington National Cemetery of convicted double-murderer Richard Wagner. Craig, who is chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, said last...
September 22, 2005 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 9 7 – 16 CAS/Armed Recon 32 26 – 58 Airlift – – 170 170 Air refueling – – 37 37 Total 41 33 207 281 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation...