Not Buying Illinois Complaint, Yet

The state of Illinois will have to take a different tack per US Dist. Court Judge Jeanne Scott, who ruled Tuesday that the state had no grief with a recommendation by the BRAC commission to move the F-16s flown by...

As Long As It Takes—the Air Guard On Call

The Air National Guard-run 1st Air Force set up the 1st Aerospace Expeditionary Task Force at its headquarters at Tyndall AFB, Fla., to oversee air ops in and around the Gulf Region supporting Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. First Air Force,...

Can’t Tango Without Space

Helping make disparate disaster relief elements coalesce into a coordinated whole is only a slight variation on a familiar refrain for Air Force Space Command forces. At the forefront, as usual, is the trusted navigation and timing abilities of GPS...

The San Antonio Hub Rocks

Within just 55 hours, the Katrina evacuation hub at Lackland AFB, Tex., processed 9,788 evacuees, flown in aboard 89 aircraft. Lackland’s Wilford Hall Medical Center not only helped evaluate the evacuees, but also sent seven critical-care air transport teams to...

The Single Ticket Approach

According to Brig. Gen. Stephen L. Hoog, head of USAF’s Air and Space Expeditionary Center, the Air Force experiment of moving airmen into Southwest Asia by “aggregated flight processes” using chartered commercial flights has taken the guesswork out of deployments....

Green Medals to Blue-Suiters

There are hundreds of airmen in Iraq who are working Army convoys—filling non-traditional missions. Recently the Army singled out 12 airmen of the 732nd Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron, assigned to Balad AB, Iraq, for their support as convoy escorts. Receiving...

Four Elder Statesmen of Defense Expound

What happens when you get three former Defense Secretaries and one former National Security Advisor in one room? Well, one thing is they rarely agree. A gathering by RAND Corp. of Harold Brown, Frank Carlucci, Brent Scowcroft, and Robert McNamara...

There’s No Holding ’Em Back

With or without the official release of the analysis of alternatives for replacing USAF’s elderly KC-135 tankers, defense contractors expect to see a competition. Jumping into the tanker wars is Northrop Grumman, which has aligned with EADS North America to...

The Game With Egypt Returns

US Central Command plans to participate in Exercise Bright Star, the massive war game with Egypt and other coalition nations, for the first time in four years. Bright Start 05/06, set to kick off Saturday and run through Oct. 3,...

Being Appreciated

Proving that duty for airmen in Southwest Asia is often two-fold, USAF firefighters of the 506th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, not only ply their main task of fire support to Kirkuk Air Base in Iraq, but also teach Iraqis first...

From K2 to Manas

The move is all but done. Uzbekistan wanted us out of K2. USAF has complied, leaving a residual force to close out air operations. The movement of forces from K2 to Manas Air Base in Kyrgyzstan also prompted USAF to...

USAF Tries Bag Drop

Aiming to get its airmen in and out of Southwest Asia more easily and with less cost, the Air Force hit on the idea of letting the current crop of airmen drop their mobility bags. What’s the big deal? Apparently,...

Looking Out for the Katrina Kids

Blue-suit and civilian Air Force members struck directly by Hurricane Katrina or working the relief efforts can get free or subsidized child care, according to a USAF news release. Need help? Check with your base services squadron. Read more here.

Calling All Recruits in the Gulf Region

If you know someone in the Air Force’s delayed entry program who has run afoul of Hurricane Katrina, have them call in to Air Force Recruiting Service at (210) 671-2951 weekdays or (210) 865-5364. Their training dates probably will change,...

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

September 7, 2005 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR – – – – CAS/Armed Recon – – – – Airlift – – – – Air refueling – – – – Total – – – – OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation...