Commission: Disestablish AFRC

The National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force recommended disestablishing Air Force Reserve Command and its numbered Air Forces in an effort to realign Air Force headquarter functions and rebalance the Total Force. “As the Air Force progresses toward fuller integration at the unit level, the need for an (AFRC) as a ‘force providing’ headquarters declines, as does the need for its subordinate (NAFs),” states the commission’s report. Commission Chairman Dennis McCarthy said the report, released last week, recommends the position of Chief of the Air Force Reserve be retained, and along with the Director of the Air National Guard, will still have direct access to the USAF Chief of Staff. “It’s a dual-hat position, and we recommended taking away one of the hats,” he said. AFRC’s units and functions would be taken over by USAF headquarters and the major commands, with increased representation. The proposal will likely attract some discomfort from current AFRC leadership, but McCarthy said the hope of the commission is that the Reserve will see the opportunity for fuller integration into USAF and the long-term benefits and savings for the Total Force. As the Air Force more fully integrates the Reserve into units and wings, the commission argues, the process of fielding equipment across the ARC and the Active Duty will become easier with time. (NCSAF report; caution, large file)