Changes Coming for Air Force Reserve

The Air Force Reserve will see a lot of new changes if Congress approves the Defense Department’s Fiscal 2015 budget request. Specifically, the budget seeks to “increase the number of Reserve fighter wings equipped with F-16 fighters, create a classic associate B-1 bomber group, increase the number of Reserve KC-135 tankers, inactivate the Reserve airlift wing at Pope Field, N.C., retire the A-10 fighters, and inactivate the Reserve’s E-3 AWACS classic associate group,” states a March 10 release. “These force structure changes are significant, but they ensure the Air Force Reserve remains an integrated, flexible, and combat-ready force,” said Brig. Gen. Buck Waldrop, Air Force Reserve Command director of plans, programs, and requirements. The Reserve also could expect to see a decrease of 4.7 percent in its authorized end strength, dropping from 70,400 to 67,100, states the release. Since most Reservists serve part-time, “I will ensure that Reserve leaders at every level are doing everything they can to help Reservists through the transition,” said AFRC Commander Lt. Gen. James Jackson.