The California Air National Guard will create a new wing to oversee its increasing space, cyber, and intelligence missions. The move will expand the number of Guard wings in the state to five, tying it with New York for most state Guard wings. The 195th Wing will become operational next month, creating one commander to oversee command and control of cyber, space, combat communications, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions, officials said in an Aug. 17 release. Previously the 162nd Combat Communications Group, the wing will include about 800 Guardsmen under the command of a colonel. A ceremony introducing the wing, which will have units across the state, will be held next month at Beale Air Force Base, states the release.
The Air Force's mission capable rates declined again in fiscal 2024, indicating the service has work to do to adequately fund spares and maintenance. The F-22 fighter and B-1 bomber both were available less than half the time.