Over the course of 15 months from June 26, 1948, to Sept. 30, 1949, American and British pilots flew 92 million miles on 277,000 flights as part of the Berlin Airlift to deliver nearly 2.3 million tons of supplies to the blockaded city. Air & ...
No other military aircraft has endured such assault from the politicians and the news media. The B-1B
The most lightly defended stretch of NATO is also the key to Soviet maritime strategy.
It was hard to believe that Ira Eaker had retired. It is even harder now to believe that he is gone.
Europeans may resent US concern with Asia as a distraction from NATO, but we have vital interests in t
Preparedness never caused a war, and unpreparedness never prevented one. The Soviets may take our lack
It has been a decade since the United States signed the Paris Peace Accords. That agreement signaled t
Pearl Harbor should have taught us the danger of parochialism. If we've finally learned that we can't
At their conclave in Washington last November, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops drafted a p
The time may seem dire, with the Soviet military buildup continuing and Western Europe disarmament cri
The time may come when the US must employ its forces stationed in Western Europe to protect vital inte
The Israeli strike against the Osirak reactor in Iraq focused new attention on the modernization of ai
While the aircraft carrier is undeniably an essential arm of the US's force projection into internatio
With the strategy of mutual assured destruction now bankrupt and US ICBMs vulnerable to a Soviet first
The needs of military morale and readiness are severe, and as hazardous as at any time in the past. Th