The Pentagon’s personnel chief, David Chu, told attendees at a Washington area conference that DOD wants to be able to deploy more civilians.Federal Times reports that Chu said Pentagon officials are reviewing current legislation that restricts the department’s ability to deploy individuals in certain jobs, such as a stenographer who may speak Arabic. He maintained that even if DOD is able to relax the rules, all civilian deployments would be on a volunteer basis. Chu also noted that DOD is continuing with its shift of military personnel out of jobs that can be done by federal civilians or contractors. So far, DOD has traded 20,000 jobs and expects to double that number in another year.
It'll take up to 18 months for Lockheed Martin to deliver the 100 or so F-35s that went directly from production line to storage, awaiting the completion of Tech Refresh 3 testing. Customers haven't complained about the order in which the backlog is being delivered.