When Gen. William R. Looney III took command of Air Education and Training Command in June, he immediately began introducing the same management approach he used at Electronic Systems Center and Aeronautical Systems Center—the balanced scorecard strategic measurement system. It is a model that DOD adopted in 2002, but it has only slowly spread within the services. To jumpstart the process at AETC, Looney created a “strawman” scorecard himself, then charged scorecard experts RTS Partners to interview senior command leaders to develop a second scorecard. Looney and his senior leaders combined the two models into one during a four-day workshop, producing a single one “dynamic map.” According to Lt. Col. Jerry Perez, the chief of the command’s strategic oversight branch, the AETC scorecard goals will cascade to subordinate organizations, which will create their own scorecards to support the overall AETC strategy map. The goal for “cascading” to wing level is spring 2006.
A new Department of the Air Force memo clarifies that civilian employees must either work or use accrued leave on Family Days. The memo also notes Family Days will be evaluated in the coming weeks, sparking concerns regarding changes around the tradition.